Once upon a time, there was a man with his daughter from Leseb who went to Ampontoc near Bagoyos, Mankayan, Benguet in search of a job.Mario:
Sungadan: Umali ka ta waday kadwak ay en anap c panublaan.(Sungadan came here and escort me to find a job)
Sungadan: Aw ama ta iyamag ko umuna din ayayam ko aynay(Ok dad, wait and I will fix my toys)
Mario: may Umali ka ta umey ta kud Ed Ampontoc (ok faster and let’s go to Ampontoc)
Narrator: When they reached the place, they mingled with the people in their socialization
Mario: saken gayam c Mario baka wada di ubla Isa si Maki ubla ak? (Hello I am Mario can someone offer any job there?)
Narrator: suddenly one man who named Kulat came close and said
Kulat: ay man ananap ka si ubla?(Are you looking for a job?)
Mario: aw kuma uray sino ay ubla ta waday ilakos kanen.(Yes sir I’m looking for a job to get some Money to buy food)
Kulat: Aa aw wada din ipa ublak Kuma ay kabiti tandey magay mainapak si Mang ubla.(Ahh ok then good ! I’m looking for a man to make a stone wall in my backyard)
Mario: aw adih(Yes please)
Some people of Ampontoc: Umali kayu man kakadwa, Duy ilan yu man din bab-a ya singsing di babai ayduy balitok!(Hey all of you! See the teeth and bracelet of that girl it’s a gold!)
Some people of Ampontoc: Ayu pay kayman di mo! Entako ayayaken muyang adduy ta Alan tako di!(Wow it’s a gold teeth and bracelet! Let’s get that! Let’s convince her and get that!)
One person of Ampontoc: C awni ta en man ubla c ama na ta dagus adi na Ilan!
Some people of Ampontoc: aw!(Yesss!)
Kulat: entako Ilan din kabitiem ta rugiyam eth.(Then let’s go Mario and see your work)
Mario: aw adi ngarud(Ok then!)
Kulat: naey san ublaam ay makabiti manong.(Here’s your work Mario)
Mario: aw ngarud(Ahh ok)
Mario: Sungadan isna ka umuna ah, isna kay man ay-ayam ta dwan ka man sidung. (Sungadan you here and play )
Sungadan: aw ama (Ok dad)
Mario: ilam ta iteteem sina ah adika kumakaan.(Stay here yes don’t go somewhere else)
Sungadan: aw ama HEHE(Yes dad hehe)
Narrator: While Mario is working the people of Ampontoc go to Sungadan to convince Sungadan to give them her golden teeth and bracelet.
Some people of Ampontoc: dey en nan ubla eth si ama na entako ayayaken din muyang ayduy!(Look! her dad started working let’s go and convince that child)
Some people of Ampontoc: entako!(Let’s go!)
One person of Ampontoc: Huy ading umali ka man.(Hey child come here)
One person of Ampontoc: sino di ngadan mo?(What’s your name little girl?)
Sungadan: Saken si Sungadan ankel(I’m Sungadan uncle)
Some people of Ampontoc: aah, ay laydem di adado ay kindi ya adado ay ay-ayam?(Do you want many Candies and toys?)
Sungadan: aw angkle hihihi (Sure uncle! I want!)
One person of Ampontoc: Ngem iyalim din singsing mu ya din ay waday bab-am aysana ahh?( But if I will give you Candies will you give your golden teeth and bracelet?)
Sungadan: Aha anjak inbagan ama ay adak idawdawat si udom na tan regalo na en saken na!( No! I don’t want uncle dad said to me that I will not give this to anyone,. And this is dad’s gift to me!)
Some people of Ampontoc: yalim inno?(Give me that or else!)
Sungadan: ahaa anjak HUHUHU( No!!! I don’t want! HUHUHU)
some people of Ampontoc: peslen tako eth muyang aynay !( We must kill that child then!)
Some people of Ampontoc: aw eth tan baka edasan amama datako!(Yes let’s kill that child, maybe her father will come and see us!)
Narrator: Then people of Ampontoc decided and killed Sungadan and get her golden teeth and bracelet.
One person of Ampontoc: darasen yu Kumaan tako eth !!!( Hurry up let’s go now!)
Narrator: While Mario is working he didn’t notice that Sungadan is dead
Mario: ayuu man aatong mo!, ngem ta ipalpas ko eth na!( Ughhh so hot weather!, but I will finish this!)
Narrator: After Mario finished his work he decided to see Sungadan ang get her salary but while he was walking to Sungadan he saw that Sungadan looks like sleeping in the ground
Mario: Sungadan?(Sungadan)
Mario: Sungadan?( Sungadan!?)
Narrator: Mario come closer to her daughter but he saw that she is dead and her golden teeth and bracelet was missing
Mario: Sungadan!!!!! Ibangun mu anak ko!!! sinuy nangyat sina en sika?!!!!(Sungadan!!!!!! Wake up my daughter!!! Who did this to you?!!!!!)
Narrator: After some time Mario carry Sungadan and take her home crying and tell what happened to her daughter to his bario folks
Mario:kakailyan!!! Nay pinse Dan anak ko!!( My fellow companions!!!they killed my daughter!!)
Narrator: Mario’s bario folks come out to their house and see what’s going on
Baryo folks of Mario: Mario apay sa mo??, naiyat en Sungadan aysana?( Why is that Mario? What happened to Sungadan?)
Mario: Pinse di taga Ampontoc sisya inala da din singsing ya bab-a na ay balitok!(HUHU)(People of Ampontoc killed her and got her golden teeth and bracelet! HUHUHU)
Baryo folks of Mario: ayu pay say inyat da mu!pagat shat Dan peslen san muyang! ( OOww my! Why that they must kill a child!)
Baryo folks of Mario: Kakadwa!!!! mansagana kayu, isagagana yu din armas tako ta entako man baus sin taga Ampontoc!!!( Everyone! let’s get ready for revenge!, get ready ouw weapons!)
Narrator: Then the people of leseb get ready there weapons for revenge, the following day,.. And they sleep to gain some strength to walk and fight
Bario folks of Mario: kakadwa ibangon yu eth ta umey tako!( Hey let’s wake up and go now)Narrator: Then people of leseb get ready for revenge.
Bario folks of Mario: Mario sumaa tako ay nangabak! ( Mario we will take home victory and justice for your daughter!)
Mario: enntako!(Then let’s go!)
Narrator: The people of Leseb trekked the trail from their community to Ampontoc and upon reaching the place, waged war and killed the warriors and people of Ampontoc and They beheaded those whom they killed, and carried the heads on their way home to Leseb.
Mario: entako sumaa tako et kakadwa!( Let’s go home now my companions!, our revenge was successful!)
Narrator: while they are walking back home to leseb they come upon a cave where they decided to rest and perform their ritual to celebrate their victory.
Mario: kakadwa man ibbay tako umuna sina ta sina tako ay Idacudacan. ( Hey let’s rest here and do our ritual and celebrate)
Bario folks of Mario: aw sina tako eth!( Yes let’s celebrate here)
Narrator: They perform their ritual and they started to bring out their gongs and drums together with their feet stamping on the ground, while dancing and shouting “dacdacudac”which means victory
Narrator: From that time on, the inhabitants of the place adopted the name “DACUDAC” to their community.
Inhabitants of that place: Kaman mayat eth nu Shay ipanagan tako eth sinan ili tako nan “DACUDAC” mo?( Looks like it’s good to adopt the name “DACUDAC” to our community?)
Inhabitants of that place: aw ethh!( Yesss!!)
Narrator: Then that’s how Dacudac got it’s name. The end……
By: CJ Harold