The Legend of Tue

San Nangalan Di Tue Si Nagan na

Ed nabaon wada nan man sin asawa ay da Gad-o ya si Lambini.Man tete-e ed mageymey et wada nan sin asawa ay talaken da ay baka.(Long time ago there was a husband and wife and there names are Gad-o and Lambini and they live in Mageymey.They have also a Cow that they taking care of .)

Gad-o: Baket eka ipastol ton nan talaken ta ay baka adey no maawni tan sumalolongak.(honey can you shefferd our cow beacuse I am hling in our farm.)

Lambini: Sige baket ilam adi gayam man alka si baon mo ta adi kan ka uwat.(Okay but dont forget your baon ao that you will never get hungry.)

Malubwat et garod si Gad-o danet mansagana pay abe si Lambini si ay amey mang ipastol sinan talaken da ay baka.Idi dinmaton sisya inpastol na et san baka na.

Lambini: Nay dinmakkel egges ti babbae ay baka anay ya, ay masikog ngen na?( woh the billy of our cow has just get bigger.)

Danet sumaa si Lambini et mansukat dana et amey datngan si aswa na.(Then Lmabini went home to change here clothes and went to there farm to see his hasbundGad-o: Kasano pay nan pastol ta ay engka ipastol sidi.(How is our cow.)

Lambini: Mayat, ngem nay idi nailak egges di babae nay kaman masikog ya tanay dakdakel ya.(Its good but when I saw the billy of the famale cow I think she is pregnant .)

Gad-o: Way siya nabayag da et kayman ay naipakakadwa sinan lalaki ay baka adey ya.(I think so they have been together for so long.)

Lambini: Enta et galod ipalpas nam loglogamam adey.(Lets go and finish your work .)

Idi malpas da aya maka lugam pay et nagawid da.Idi wada daet isnan baey da nan isagana et pay si Lambini si utena.Malpas pay makauto(When she is done in there work they went home and Lambini cook there food.)

Gad-o: Mangan tat adi no nalpas ay nauto sa.(Lets already when you are done cooking .)

Lambini: Aykat galod ta mangan ta.(Okay come and lets eat.)

Malpas day makakan pay et man inadnad da santo dan naseyep.Kinabigatan pay et amey inilan Gad-o san talaken da ay baka sin malem.Idi tamtamangena esesa san baka ay maililana.Sunga nandadalas sisya ay binmaba.(When they done eating and they relax for a minute and they go to sleep.The next day Gad-o went out to shefferd there cow.When he was looking for there cow at the top of the hill he seeing so she rush to see there cow.)

Gad-o: Into pay nan babae ay bakas na?nay kaman naka lubsot mo?(Where is my cow here?Did she just releases from bieng tied?)

Danet madadaras ay magawid danat ibaga isnan asawa na.Danet kana san asawana.(So he rush to there house and he tells it to her wife.)

Lambini: Isagana ta et galod nan usar ta asita amey inapen si bigat.(Lets pack are things and we will go find it tomorrow .)

Gad-o: Siya galod tanay anggay metlang nasdem.(Yeah sure its is already evening.)

Kinabigatana pay et marubwat da et ay en mang ila isnan talaken da ay baka.Inon on da san gatina na ay nan pababa isnan bilig.(In the next morning they they prepared to find there cow.They follow there cows trucks going down the hill.)

Gad-o: Ayo pay ay kaman sinmalosalog sa talaken ta mo.(Ayo Its like our cow just went down the hill.)

Lambini:Galod imbag no sinmaldeng sa baka ta adey ta maabotan ta.(Hopefully our cow stop so we can catch it.)

Anggay duwa ay masdem et nan nang unununan da isnan talaken da ay baka . Danet da maka daton isnan medyo patad ay bilig.Danetda maila san baka da.(It has been two night that they have been searching for there cow.Until they saw a flat land and there cow)

Gad-o: Nay siya di san baka ta ya.(That is our cow right)Lambini: Wen et ya.(Yes that is our cow)

Gad-o: Enta ilan.(Lets go and let see.)

Umasideg da pay et nailada ay inmanak san talaken da ay baka.(And they approached and they saw that the cow has given birth.)

Gad-o: Nay inmanak et uppay san talaken ta mo.(Our cow just gave birth .)

Lambini : Ayo manlalames pay.(And it is so healthy to.)

Danet ilan Gad-o sa bilig ay taan da et mayat tan wada san danom ya mayat ay mantean.Danet nantulag da ay duwa et nan balak da et ay isdi ta ay mantee.Danet da pinanaganan san bilig adey si Tu-e.(Gad-o saw the place and it was beautiful because it has water and it the best place yo build a house.So husband and wife stay there and they name the place Tu-e.)

Mapalabas di ka ageagew et danet umado san kaipugapugaw sidi sidat abe panaganen san Tu-e adey si Tue. Si et pay nan biyag san kaipugapugaw isdi ay nasalon at .(Lots of days went by and lots of people increases and the place name Tu-e have been change to Tu-e.And the people live thier happily ever after)

Submitted by:

Joshua Rubang
