Narrator Once upon a time, there was a hardworking young farmer living in “Padugan” or what they call Bagnen Oriente. He was poor and his only job was farming. He was getting old but still had no wife. His name was Palpalanggan”. He always went to the farm to work so he could eat. One day, when he went to the farm, he saw his rice field destroyed and its baneng’ had many holes.
Palpalanggan: Ni! Aped py nadadael nn baneng d payew ko ay nay? Mmmmm!?
Narrator.He don’t have other choice but to fix the holes or the baneng” of his Ricefield. (After it’s getting dark he go home). When he got at his house he is thinking about what happened that day.
Narrator: That night, the siblings of fairies descended from the sky to bathe and disturb the rice fields in Matalaw”. One of these fairies was Padonay”, she was the most beautiful among their siblings and she was also the eldest among them.
Faries: Entako idaydaytak nan payew dad matalaw
Narrator: When they are done destroyed thericefield they take a bathe and put their wings then go home. ……Morning comes……
Palpalanggan: hahay!!mayamayat nan seyep ko. Anggay nalag aw et uppy d ta mn saganaak ta omey ak id payewan.
Narrator:(He prepared to go to the farm). On his way there, he heard news that his rice fields were destroyed. When he arrived, he saw his rice field ruined and they could do nothing but to fix it again. He wondered who was doing this.
Palpalanggan: Ayee!!… Anggay Ika duwa et na ay naikan…. Aped py ngata id wani lang na ay maki ikan sn naay ay payew ko…. Sie ngata mn Gul gulo isna da….
Narrator: (That night, when Palpalanggan had returned home, the fairies descended again to do their evil deeds). They further destroyed the young man’s rice field because they saw that it was always fixed and he was able to restore it to its former state, and the fairies thought that fixing their damage was easy, so they destroyed it even more.
Padonay: kakabsat rugyan takot ay dadaelen kasin nan naay payew…
Youngest sister: mamanang sino ngata ikak an da isna ay mang i simsimpa?…nalaka na ngata ay maisimpa?….
2nd child: Ad ka mn danag ading me nalalaka lang nn ikak an da mang i simsimpa isna darasen tako kitdi ay mang dadael isna da sakbay ay maagsapa….
Narrator :(The siblings happily played while destroying Palpalanggan’s farm). The next day, Palpalanggan went to the farm again and saw that his rice field was more damaged, which made him even angrier. Because of this, he decided to stay there to see who was doing this to him.
Palpalanggan: ayeeehh anggay palalo et na…. Kan kanayon et ay kagtuna…. Anggy kanayon ak et ay mn palpaligat ay mn isimsimpa sinan madadadael ay nay da… Sino ngata nn mang ik ikan das na?…. Adik et kaya nn kagtuna si kanayon… Ad ak kad sumasaa una si labi ta sed ek no cno nn mang ikak an cna…..When night comes.
Narrator: Several hours passed and the faries descended. The young man was surprised by what he saw because he thought it was people who were doing this,but it was actually fairies. He hid in a large rock near his rice field and watched how they destroyed his rice fields.
Palpalanggan:ah ah..!! Dakau uppy mang ar aramid issa da…. Laydek ay mariknayou abes rigat ko mang isimsimpa dassa tapno marikna u abes…
Narrator: (The young man hid one of their clothes and quickly went home. After the fairies bathed, they hurriedly put on their clothes to leave, butPadonay couldn’t find her clothes.)
Padonay:kakabsat ay wada nail ila u San badok cna?
Siblings:maid et ay manang ya.
Padonay:cge maun una kau garud ta anapek una nn badok sakpy maki unod…
Siblings:wen garud manang
Narrator (The young woman continued searching but couldn’t find it. She was already tired and exhausted, so she fell asleep on a large rock there.)
…….. The morning comes……..
Narrator. The young man saw the young woman sleeping on the rock without clothes and knew that the fairy was the owner of the clothes he had taken. He woke her up and asked why she was there.
Palpalanggan: Ay manang manag!… Ibangon mo…
Narrator (when padonay wakes up) Padonay was very embarrassed because she isn’t wearing any clothes.
Padonay:ayyy!!!….. Ad ka omas asideg kn sak en…….
Palpalanggan:ad ka mn danag….. Nay d bado osarem una nn naay intatakin ko…
Padonay:salamat kn sik a ay baro…. Cno kayman nagan mo isdi?
Palpalanggan:sak en gayam c palpalanggan… Sia ngay sino kayman San nagan ?…
Padonay: sak en gayam si padonay… Esang ak gayam ay talaw ay mn tetee id Daya…
Narrator. (The young man asked why Padonay was there and the young woman told him what happened.) And because Padonay had nowhere to live, she askedthe young man if she could live in his house until she found her wings
Padonay: ay mn balin ay maki tee ak una sn baey mo?…. Enggana mainapak una nan an anapek
Palpalanggan:mn balin ladta…. ngem sudo sudonak py ty mn Sam sama ak et kedeng Tay Sha lang nan i bibyag ko…..
Narrator.Despite what the young man told her, the young woman had no choice but to stay because she didn’t know anyone else there who she could live with.And when the young man brought her home, she saw his old house and still entered even though she was only forced. A month passed and she gradually got used to her life in that place. She saw how hard the people in the farm worked to get their food. She had no choice but to join them and she learned how they fixed their rice fields in the farm. Padonay realized that what they were doing to Palpalanggan’s rice field was not easy.
Padonay : wada ibagak kn sik a…… pasenya palpalanggan ty egy ko inbagbagay naen sik a…. Pasensiya Tay dakami San kakabsat ko nn nang dadadael sn payew mo et sapy kma ta mapakawan mo dakami.
Palpalanggan:ad ka mn danag napakawan ko dakau ay sinkakabsat
Padonay:salamat ladta tay uly no kagtudi inkan me kn sik a et napakawan mo dakami..
Narrator(After several months, the young woman fell in love with the young man and so did the young man, but they did not tell each other). The young woman missed her siblings and wanted to see them but she couldn’t find her wings. Palpalanggan saw the young woman sitting sadly on his stairs and seemed to be thinking about a problem.
Palpalanggan:apay ngay padonay… Mn sasadot ka mt?…. Cno naikan?
Padonay:maid… Nailiw ak lang sin kakabsat ko ngem mid ikak ay mang ila kn daida Tay mid nn payak ko ay omey id Daya….
Palpalanggan:ad ka kma lumigliget sn ibagak ay nay…… Sn labi ay namaidan d badom et intabon ko tan gapi si ligliget ko sn nag ilaak sn ikak an u….. ( amin kn padonay)…..
Padonay : ad ka mn danag ad ak lumiget san inyat mo tan inbagam dadlo d tet ewa.. may mayat ta in bagam nn usto salamat…..
Narrator. The young man took her wings and gave them to the young woman and the young woman thanked the young man and flew to the sky to see her siblings. When she arrived in the sky, her siblings immediately greeted her and she told them what happened.
Padonay: pasensiya kakabsat ko ty egy ak nakasubli ay dagosSiblings: imbag manang me ta naka subli ka nan ammo me et natey ka…. Sn labi ay egy ka nakagawid et inan anap me sika ngem maid maanapan…. Ngem idwani salamat Tay nay nanabiyag ka uppy gayam…
Padonay: (inistorya na amin kn daida).
Narrator. After they talked, the young woman also told her siblings that she liked that young man. After a few days, the young woman wanted to see Palpalanggan and said goodbye to her siblings that she would go down to see her long-time love, Palpalanggan. She went down and saw Palpalanggan in his house looking sad and when he saw her, he ran and hugged her.
Padonay :ohhh!!….
Palpalanggan apay ta mn sasadot ka?
Narrator : when he heard the voice of padonay he run after her and hugged her.
Palpalanggan:kumuzta ka padonay…. Kanak no ad ka et sumubli ay mang ila kn sak en…. Nagmayat ta inmali ka kasin…. (Ayieh)
Narrator: The two confessed to each other and the young woman did not immediately go up to the sky but accompanied Palpalanggan in that place.
..Several months passed….
The young woman visited her siblings in the sky and asked if they could go down to meet her boyfriend. When they came down, they introduced themselves. After a year, they had a son and they lived happily.
Written by : Charlene