Narrator: There was a man who landed in Kay-ang and there he met his young lady who later got married and had a child.
Kano Lumawig: agyod ay bungbungo asawa, napintas nan bumalaan di agew kaman ken asawak.(Good morning my lady, it’s a beautiful morning like my wife.)
Asawa: aw et yah nay kayman ay mayamayat nan agsapa ay kar karo nan mail ila isna et nay mayamayat.(Well, the morning is really beautiful, my love, especially the view here is so beautiful.)
Kano Lumawig: men sagana ka ta bumala ta asawak.(get ready, my wife, so we can go for a walk.)
Asawa: wn, lakay sum ed ka ta isaganak una san kanen ta santo ta bumala. ( just a moment, I’ll just get our food before we go for a walk.)
Kano Lumawig: wn, men se ed ak isna bala enggana malpas ka sisa.(ok, I’ll wait outside until you’re done.)
Narrator: Kano Lumawig and his wife happily celebrated their union that they are married.
Kano Lumawig: napintas si asawak sina, kaman din matam tamang sin naliwes, kaman sika, napintapintas ka asawak.(my wife is really beautiful here,you can see beautiful scenery, just like you, you’re also very beautiful my wife.)
Asawa: adim kanan ay bakenak napintas.( don’t say that, Im not beautiful.)
Kano Lumawig: (maseyseyek) cute ka mo, adi ka mababain ken saen tan tetewa kak anak.(laughing) (you’re cute, don’t be shy with me because what I’m saying is true.)
Narrator:They both watched the sunset before they went home.The next morning, Kano lumawig talked to his wife about going to the coast, so that his wife would cough when she go there.
Narrator: Everyday the wife do what Lumawig said to her, but the wife was curious and when Lumawig’s wife went to coast and she cough, she was surprised because it didn’t seem like one person did the “pagbaybay”.
Narrator:One day the wife is super curious what’s Lumawig do so she secretly peek at what her husband was doing, so in the morning she didn’t cough because she went and took at what Lumawig was doing.
Asawa: Masmasda-aw ak no sino sapsapoen Lumawig si winakas ya kanakeke-es ak sakbay ak umey sidi.(I’m very curious what’s Lumawig do everyday and I always cough before I go there.)
Asawa: Pakawanem saen, lakay. Amok ay madi ngem pirmi ay masmasda-aw ak.( I’m sorry my husband, I know it’s wrong but I’m super curious.)
Narrator: And when the wife take a look of it, she was very surprised to see that every part of Lumawig’s body was working, after she saw it, she quickly left and went to their place.
Asawa: hino?hino na? Apay nan awak asawak adey da ta manububla?(what what’s that? Why my husband’s body was working?)
Narrator: That night Lumawig’s wife woke up and just as Lumawig came home from her work. The wife wanted to ask about what she saw but her husband might get angry so she just ignored it and prepared something for them to eat.
Asawa: Adik et idamag din inilak kaunyan tasay adi mi pan ibawan di.(wife: I shouldn’t not ask him what I saw so that we don’t fight about it.)
Kano Lumawig: Sinun problema c? Kaman mid ka sin sarilim mo?( What’s the problem? It’s look like that your not in yourself.)
Asawa: Maid problema, nabbay nak lang.( Nothing, I’m just tired.)
Kano Lumawig: No malpas ta mangan enka men ib-bay garud ta umey ak mn ugas plato.( After we eat, go and rest and I will wash the dishes.)
Narrator: In the morning they were still doing the same thing but the wife was confused by her husband.
Narrator: That night Lumawig unexpectedly found out what his wife had done and he was angry.
Kano Lumawig: Adim pat patien kak anak mo!(you don’t follow what I tell you.)
Asawa: Masmasda-aw nak lang sin yaat mo! Sunga inyat ko di.( I was just curious about what you were doing so I did it!)
Narrator: The two talked, In the morning Lumawig went to “mag ubadaya” and after 1 hour they cooked rice and dishes.
Narrator: After that Lumawig took their son and said to his wife that,
Kano Lumawig: Dapat gidwaen ta anak ta anay way ka men ila no cnuy parten di awak na san alam.(we should divide our son and take which part of the body will take.)
Asawa: Cnun kak anam? Matey anak ta no gidwaen ta csya.(what are you saying? our son will die if we divide him.)
Narrator: Lumawig didn’t care about it and he got the body of their child and laid it on the side of their house and he made sure to tell his wife.
Kano Lumawig: ken sika et awak na anay way kat ay men kabil c siki na, ta way ak abeh ay men kabil c awak na.( “this body is yours and it’s up to you to put a foot on it and I will take our childs foot, and I will be the one to put its bodyyard”)
Narrator: Lumawig said goodbye to her wife and said that,
Kano Lumawig: Kumaan ak et tay egay paylang nalpas din dapat sapuek cna rabaw di daga.(I am leaving because my mission here on the land is not yet finished.)
Narrator: He went to the mountain like that and he left his bag and after that, he stuck his crutch with which he took him to heaven.
Narrator: After a few days, the body that lumawig left to his wife smelled bad, and he got sick of it, so he went down again. people can’t stand the stench anymore.
Lumawig: yaat us ipogaw et men alalakoo din natey yaket mid amo us ya u mo!( what are you people, the dead is stinking, but you can’t even do anything about it!)
Ipogaw: pasenya garud umali kat tulungam dakami ay men i kaut cn natey anay( we’re sorry about it, please help me to bury the body.)
Narrator: Lumawig told the people to get a brain so he can release them, and Lumawig made a “beg-as” and he asked the people to get water and “bellang” and they put it in the basin and then he said,
Lumawig: “uwasam pai iman is danum san gulagul di not di minatay dana ay isinutda ta mausan nan nakalibu ay nem nem da ya kilot di awak danay tanu umey da um-a da ya payew da, baken ya puon di danum ta adi da et iman ka akuuan.”