In the olden times, a coupled live in the place called Tabiyo. One day, the pair Magang-an and Kuya-ob found that thier pig was nowhere to be found. They exerted all their efforts in looking for it, but they found no trace.
Kuya-ob: Into pai ngata san inem-emyan nay kanaaanap tam maga mo.
(Where did that pig goes? We did everything to find that pig but still nothing)
Magang-an: Wen et yah, into pay tet-ewa san inemyan nedey. ( Where did that pig really go?)
After the ceveral months, the hog came home. It seemed to be very tired and hungry. To happy, they fed the pig and observed thats its tits were swollen. They suspected that it gave birth somewhere else.
Kuya-ob: Apai et na ay kaman anggay inmanak upai mo. ( Why does it look like it’s gaving birth.)
Magang-an: Ni nay aw kayman mo, into pay ngata inmanakan nisa? ( You’re right where did that pig give birth?)
Kuya-ob: Ta enak kad man-ala si Toyo ta epaey so sin likod na ta unoden no intoy umeyan na. ( I will get some rice bran to pit behind him so you follow where did that pig gave birth.)
Magang-an: Aw inka man-ala ta epaey mo. (Ok you go and get some rice bran.)
Without the knowledge of the couple, the pig left hurriedly after eating its meal. As the pig meandered, the rice bran were falling.
Magang-an: Ta unadek no intoy umaeyan na kad. ( I will follow that pig to see where it’s going.) Nay ed sina ka upai sirok dh kaiw ay inmanak mo, mayat kayman ay. (You give birth here under this tree, it’s so nice.)
Magang-an traced the pieces of rice bran scattered until she reached a gigantic tree in place called Addaan. Under this tree, which is locally termed as tue, were the mother hog and its piglets.
Magang-an: Ta tumukdo ak kad unas na ta duwan kon bubuyaen sa yat dadey ay mansoso. ( I will sit first here while I watch them suck milk from their mother.)
After he watched them, He wandered around the place and found out that there was abundant water and the place was conducive for settlement and constructing rice and vegetable terraces.
Magang-an: Nay ay napintas upai sinas pantean mo, wadan danum et mayat ay manmula si pagey ya nateng. (It’s really beautiful herw, there is some abundant of water so we can plant rice and vegetables.)
Magang-an went home and he told a story to his wife and thier children, they decided to settle in the place where their pig gave birth. His family requested their neighbors to help them transfer their belongings to the new settlement.
Kuya-ob: No say kanam garud sa into garud sidi ta isdi takot ay mantee. ( If that’s what you want, ok let’s live there.)
After some months, Kuya-ob was seriously ill. While tending to his wife daily, Magang-an observed many birds that came and ate the fruit of the tue tree. They produced too much noise that made the patient uneasy.
Magang-an: Apai et kanu dasanas bibilit ay umey da et ed isa et nangalawngaw da ay, nay et ay madisturbo sa mensaksakit. ( Why are does birds making so much noise? My wife get anxious because of thier noise.)
One day the husband got angry and he cut the trunk of the tue tree.
Magang-an: Ta putuak kad na tanay ay umalian di bibilit et nangalawngaw da.
( I will cit this tue tree because sone birds here make noise.)
After he cut the tue tree, He was astonished to see that the trunk produced plenty of sap. Because Magang-an couldn’t find any medicine for his wife, he experimented and made his wife drink the sap.
Magang-an: Ni nay et ay ad-ado di danum na mo. ( Wow that’s alot of sap.) Man-ala ak et adi sina si experimentek ta wada di ipainum ko ken asawak. (I will take some sap here and do an experiment to give it to my wife to drink it.)
After Magang-an daily give it to his wife, Kuya-ob got well.
Kuya-ob: Aye nay ay mayat san danum di kaiw ay inpapainum mo ken saen ay sana a. ( The sap that you give me to drink daily is so nice, I immediately got stronger from my illness.)
Due to the good story that was being circulated, Some of the neighbors of Magang-an in Tabiyo were encouraged to follow them to the new village.
Neighbors: Ni nay mayat san lugar ay sana mo, intako et adh abe sidi unuden tako da Magang-an. ( Wow, It’s a nice place, get ready and we will followed Magang-an and his family there at new village and we will also live there too.
The spot under the tue tree became a resting, meeting and eating place of hunters and owners of cows from Kayan and Balaoa who tended their cows in Addaan due to the presence of abundant water. Moreover, the trunks of the tree were used for hanging or suspending the bags of hunters where their meals and some belongings were placed.
Because the word tue tree became very popular as it was used daily in the villagers’ daily activity, the place Addaan was renamed Tue.

Sumbitted to: Sir Julius Jay Daskeo Jr.