The kaykaybo rituals

Great greetings to each and every one, for today’s video were talking about the folktales of Tadian called “kaykaybo”. Kaykaybo is one of the rituals of I–Tadian when a woman is giving birth. Before we start, do you know that there are 19 barangays of Tadian, and these are them Balaoa, Banaao, Bantey, Batayan, Bunga, Cadad–anan, Cagubatan, Dacudac, Duagan, Kayan east, Kayan West, Lenga, Lubon, Mabalite, Masla, Pandayan, Sumadel, Tue, and Poblacion. But Tadian’s legend occured at Poblacion Tadian and the place where it is happened is still present until now.

As I start retelling the story, kaykaybo was written by Wannay Songag of Poblacion Tadian. The story happened at Balaoa.

RitualCharacters: Bangan- Lomawig- Villagers

Narrator: Bangan is in labor, experiencing severe stomach pains. Lomawig, her father, rushes to her side with his acupan filled with salted meat and rice.(Narrator: si bangan et anggy Dan Dani ay umanak, sunga marikna San sakit si eges na. Si ama na ay Lumagwig et nan kamakam ai mang paey sin etag ya inapoy sin akupan na. )

Lomawig: (placing the acupan in front of Bangan) Hold on, my daughter. I have brought the necessary items for the kaykaybo ritual.(Lumawig: Anak naay da di inalak ay mausar para sin ritwal ay kaykaybo.)

Narrator:Bangan gives birth to a baby, and Lomawig helps her carry the child. They head back home.Lomawig performs the kaykaybo ritual at home praying to Kabonyan to stop the bleeding and restore Bangan’s strength.(Narrator: inmanak et c Bangan et binadagan en Lomawig sesya ay mang bakwa isna muyang. asi da et nagawid. Inpatongpal en Lomawig han ritwal ay kaykaybo Ed beey dat man kararag ken kabonyan ta sumaerdeng lepyas di dara ya paayan nas bikas kasin si Bangan.)

Lomawig: (praying) Oh Kabonyan, please hear our prayers. Stop the bleeding and give strength to my daughter after giving birth.(Lomawig: oh kabonyan pangaasim kad ta denggem han en mi kararag. Ta sumardeng han lepyas di dara ya paayan kuma si bikas nan anak ko sin kalpasan na ay umanakan.)

Narrator: Lomawig decides to share the kaykaybo ritual with the villagers of Tadian.(Narrator: Nan disisyunan en Lomawig ay iyawag han ritwal ay kaykaybo is an umili ay Tadian)

Lomawig: Let us share this ritual with others. We will bring it to Tabeyo, where our peopleoriginated.(Lomawig: Ipadanon tako san ritwal sin udom na. Idanon tako ed Tabeyo sin lugar ay nabangunan di umili.)

Narrator:The villagers of Tadian start performing the kaykaybo ritual whenever a woman gives birth.Villagers gather to perform the kaykaybo ritual for a woman in labor.(Narrator: Inrugi di umili ay I Tadian ay inpatongpal han ritwal nu kaskasanoni man ay wada umanak. Matugop San umili ay mang I patongpal isan ritwal ay kaykaybo nu anggay wda ngan nganin umanak. )

Villagers: (chanting) May our ancestors guide us in performing the kaykaybo ritual. May it stop all bleeding and restore the mother’s strength.(Umili: San napu an tako San mang tarabay ken data ko akas I patongpal tako han ritwal ay kaykaybo tapno sumardeng han lepyas di dara ya ma ipaayan di bikas San esa ay ina.)

Narrator: The ritual is performed successfully, and the woman recovers quickly.And so, the kaykaybo ritual continues to be a tradition in Tadian, passed down from generation to generation, ensuring the well-being of mothers and their newborns.

(Narrator: San ritwal bay kaykaybo et naipatongpal ay si gagawis, et dagdagos ay bumikas di esa ay ina. Sunga han ritwal ai kaykaybo et nen tultuloy ay tradisyon si I Tadian, din ritwal et inpatawid da c imung an.)

Before I end this story. I want to share that bukko festival is celebrated during month of June. Bukko is one of the product of Tadian that you can’t find to other places. Bukko is made with kakaisip( main ingredient) and other ingredient that can make it more tastier, it was wrapped by leaves of sugar cane that can be compared to weaving.

submitted by: Rhea Mae Genetiano

submitted to: Sir Julius Jay Daskeo Jr.

section: crystal