Mount Ag-aging

Mount Ag-aging is located between Bantey, Tadian, and Besao, Mt. Province.  From Bantey, hike to the top takes about 1-2 hours depending on one’s stamina. What to see:. Rock/ boulder formations and stunning 360degree views of Besao, Suluma and Cervantes mountain range. Level of difficulty: Moderate 


Lubon National High School theater arts group portray how the Igorots defended their land, life and culture from foreign invaders during the 2017 Dulansangan in Malolos, Bulacan When losing becomes winning Julius Jay B. Daskeo Jr. Everybody loves to win. Who wouldn’t? The exhilaration of getting first to the finish line, the joy of triumphantly …


Binangi: A past reconstructed

Binangi: A past reconstructed By: Felomina Lisweg- Daskeo Long before our ancestors heard of nails and concrete, they were able to construct sturdy houses that could withstand the strongest typhoons with whatever available materials that they could find in the forest, like sticks, lumber, cogon grass and vines. These houses were called “binangi”, others call …

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Sapon Di Binangi Part I: Bringing Home of the Materials from the forest

Part I: Bringing Home of the Materials from the Forest The above images shows materials that will be used for the building of the Binangi. This materials were gathered and prepared from the forest by the community and the owner. After all the materials are gathered and ready to be used for the construction of …

Sapon Di Binangi Part I: Bringing Home of the Materials from the forest Read More »