Origin of Sadsadan

Narrator: Sadsadan may not offer you a lot of landmarks but it’s a great place to relax giving you a fresh air and warm temperature, and to that a lot of farmers grow their plants there specially vegetables. We also have a water fall named ‘Ampasit falls located at Bato, Sadsadan.

Narrator: Now let’s read on how they got the name Sadsadan.

Foreigner:Hah, nay adak et ammo no into di emeyak ay bisita en ay lugar mo anmeyak met sin nay da sisikat ay manbisitaan kaman ed France, Japan, Canada ya daom na pay.

(Hah, I really don’t know what country I should visit next, I’ve already visited the famous countries like France, Japan, Canada and many more).

Foreigner: Ta bisitaek kad nan kikibak baka no way ammo da ay bisitaek ay lugar ta makiistorya met lang adi.

(I should visit my friends on what country I should visit next maybe they have some suggestions. And also to engage a conversation with them).

Narrator:Et inmey din lalaki ed beey din kadkadwa na ta man damag no sinoy bisitaen na ay lugar. (The boy (foreigner) went to his friend’s house to ask what country he should visit next).Singep sisya et tinmukdo da nanpakape din kadkadwana asi da et manlugi ay manistulya

(So the boy got into the house of his friend and sat down, and his friend offered him a coffee and they start to communicate).

Asi na et indamag sin kadwana (and then he ask his friend…..)

Foreigner:Sino ngata di bisita ek ay lugar nay maid di manemnem ko isunga inmaliak ay man damage en sika.

(What country should I visit I can’t think on what country I should visit that’s why I come to you to listen to your suggestion).

Friend:Ah emey ka nalang ed Pilipinas tan ed sidi ak met lang ay nagapu. Maymayat sidi yan adado di tourist spot sidi ay mabisitam.

(Ah you should go to the Philippines where I came from. It’s beautiful there, there’s lot of tourist spot you can visit).

Foreigner:Ay oh siya adi garud di emeyak ed pilipinas nay kaman kayman mayat ya.

(Ay oh okay. I like your suggestion I then will visit Philippines it sounds wonderful).

Friend:Wen emey ka

(yeah you should go).

Foreigner:May garud ta enak man impake ta emey et si bigat.

(Okay then I should go I’ll pack my things because I’ll be going tomorrow).

Friend:Sige garud ingat ka ladta

(Okay then take care always).

Foreigner:Pati met lang ken sika


Narrator:Idi kinmaan din nay baro inyamag na abe din nan kapian da. Asi inmey et abe ed baeey na din nay baro ta iyamag na din bado na ay emey ed Pilipinas.

(When the boy left his friend’s place his friend tidy up his place and when the boy also got home he packs his clothes ready to go to the Philippines).

Sin kabigatan na, tinawagan na din friend na ay emey et sisya.

(In the next morning, he called his friend that he will go now).

Foreigner:Hello, nay emeyak et.

(Hello, I’ll go now).

Friend:Ah sige ingat.

(Okay, safe trip)

Narrator:Isunga nan lugan et si taxi ay emey ed airport asi et nan sakay sin eroplano ay emey ed Pilipinas.

(So that he grab a cab going to airport and then he boarded the airplane that will be landing in the Philippines).

Narrator:Ide et labi na nakadateng ed airport ed manila ay nabanabbay ay enggey makaseyseyep, pinilit nay tinawagan din friend na.

(When he landed in the airport in Manila its already dark, hes so tired that hes so sleepy, he forced himself to call hisfriend).

Foreigner:Hello, into na di bisita ek first.

(Hello, where should I visit first).

Friend:Hello,emey ka ed Sagada, adado di cave das di ay mamaymayat.

(Hello, you should go to Sagada for they have a lot of caves that’s so beautiful).

Foreigner:Oh sige salamat.

(Oh okay then, thank you).

Narrator:Makaseyseyep si usto idi pag sakay na sin bus nakaseyep ay dagdagus, enggana adi na namalmalayan kapara sin bus et inbabada sisya sin esang ay lugar ay adi na amammo.

(His so sleepy that when he got onto the bus he fell asleep immediately, and he didn’t notice he stopped the bus and got into an unknown pace).

Foreigner:Ah sino et ngatay amagek sina, maid py lang signal.

(And what should I do here there’s not even a signal here).

Mandanak et baka way madatngak sisa ay mantetee sina.

(I should walk hoping to meet some people living here)

Narrator:Isunga nan nandan enggana masdem, enggana nadatnga na din gropu di aamama ay man ananido.

(So he walked until afternoon, until he stumbled in a group of old villagers around a campfire).

Enna inasagenan din aamama ta damagen na din nagan di ili ay dey

(So he approached the group of old villagers to ask what’s the name of that place).

Foreigner:Hello, ay mabalin man damagek no sinoy nagan di ili ay nay.

(Hello, is it okay if I ask what’s the name of this place?).

Old villagers:Sino ibagbaga ninay. (What’s this guy saying?).

Narrator:Isdi baw adi maawawatan din aamama no sinoy ibagbaga na.

(Turns out the oldvillagers didn’t understand what he’s saying).

Narrator:Adin ammon din lalaki no sinoy amagen na isunga nandamag kasin ay intutudo na din bato ay nan sasadagan di esa ay amama.

(The boy don’t know what to do so he want’s to ask again pointing at the rock the one of the old man leaning in).

Foreigner:Umm nagan di ili ay nay while pointing at the rock*

(umm what’s the name of this place)

Old villagers:Ahh sadagan, sadagan

(ah its sadagan, sadagan)

Narrator:Sidi baw iniilan di aamama ay iitdo na din bato ay nan sasadagan din ay kadwada isunga kanan da no sidey din damdamagen na.

(turns out the old villager saw that his pointing at the rock his leaning on so he thought that hes asking for what hes leaning on).


Old villager:Sadsadan, mayat sas nagan ah, hahaha manipud ed wani Sadsadan nagan di ili tako.

(Sadsadan, that’s a good name, hahaha, on today onwards we name this place Sadsadan)

Narrator:Malitlito din lalaki isunga nan bow nalang asi pay intultuloy na ay mandan enggana nakadateng sin esay kalsa ay nan ilugan en sisya ay emey ed sagada ay adi na namalmalayan ay way pinangadanan na ay esay ili.

(the boy was confused that he just bow and left the old man, until he reached a road where a man give him a lift going to Sagada not knowing that he just left a name for that place).

That until now it is called Sadsadan

Characters: foreigner, old villagers, foreigner’s friend

Setting: house, friend’s house, airport, airplane, bus, bus station, village

Submitted by: Nory Jane L. Litdog

Submitted to: Sir Julius Jay Daskeo Jr.