A story of how its Name is originally from a miscommunication between two languages.
★ First Panel
[Back to the day when colonization occurs, there were a group of Spanish soldiers that explored the depths of the mountains. During their expedition, they would stumble upon many villages of many different tribes whether Ilocanos, Igorot.]
★Second Panel
[When another group of Spanish soldiers had an expedition towards the land of Mageymey. They had found a little village.]
[However, they were greeted with Igorot warriors armed with weapons such as shield, spears, and a bow. And then, between the warriors is the Tribe Elder.]
Tribe warrior: “Bantayan u dayda, ya peslen u dayda no umatake da”
Translation: “Guard them,also kill them whenever they attack”
*Spanish soldier held their weapons and faced the warriors. *
Spaniard soldier: “Qué debemos hacer, senor?”
Translation: what should we do, sir?
Spanish General: “Soldados!… baja tus armas.”
Translation: Soldiers!…Lower your weapon
Third Panel
[Each army was in serious looks to each other. The soldiers on their guard and steadied calmly, while the tribe warriors held their weapons cautiously .
However, The silence that surrounds them was interrupted…]
Span. Gen.: “como se ilama este pueblo, tu gente?!”
Translation: “what is this village called, you people?!”
*The warriors and elders were confused, they stared and asked question to each other.*
Tribe elder: inbaga na?
Translation: “what did he say?”
*asked towards the warrior*
Warrior #1: “ajak naawatan, kali da”
Translation: “I don’t understand their language”
Tribe Elder:”sapshapoen u sina?
Translation: “what are you doing here?”
*tribe elder asked the Spanish*
Span. Gen. : “Que”
Translation: “what”
Tribe elder: Hino?!
Translation: what?!
Span. Gen.: “uhmm…Cómo se llama este lugar?”
Translation: “uhmm…What do you call this village”
Tri. Eld.: “Hino?! Maid mag-ngek ya Maawatan!”
translation:What?! I cant hear and Dont understand you!”
Span. Gen.:” Que?..”
everyone: …
★ Fourth panel
[Due to their differences on their languagen, neither of them understand what they say to each other. In fact they use most of their time being confused to each other.]
*Both parties exchanging untranslated question*
>Fifth Panel
Span. Gen. : ‘sigh’, “que nombre…ilamas… este pueblo???”
Translation: “What name… do you call…this town???”
*Exhausted from asking*
*Asking with hand gestures*
The elder saw the spanish general’s hand pointing at something*
*faced it, walks toward it, take it*
Tribe Elder: “ay apo, panga bulodek muna ayayam mo, wen”
Translation: child, I’ll borrow your toy for a moment, yes?”
*child nods*
>Sixth Panel
[The Tribe elder hands over a wooden toy he took from the boy (where the spanish general points) to the Leader.]
Tribe elder: “ay sinay kakanam?”
Translation: is this what your talking about?”
*Tribe elder shows the Balbalwa*
*Spanish General is confused*
Elder: “balbalawa!”
Span. Gen.:” que acaba de decir?…”
Translation:”What did he just say?”
*The Spanish General asked his men*
Soldier no.1: “Creo Que es “Balbalawa”, senor”
Translation: “I think it is “Balawa”, senor”
Span. Gen.: “Balaoa”?…
*asks another soldier*
Soilder no. 2: “si, el senor”
Translation: “yes, sir”
>Seventh Panel
*The General was so happy that his question is finally answered*
Span. Gen: “entonces este lugar es “Balaoa”
Translation: “So this place is, “Balaoa”
Tri. Eld.: “adi Balbalawa”
Translation:”No, balbalawa”
Span. Gen.:” Si Abulelo, Gracias”
Translation:”yes, Grandpa, thank you”
*tribe elder confused*
*General being happy*
★ Eight Panel
*the warriors lower their weapon*
Warrior #2: “begew si man-iragragsakan danay sin balbalawa?”
Translation: “why are they so happy over that balbalawa?”
Warrior #3: “kaman met adi da umali man-ibaw ken taytako?”
Translation: “it looks like they didn’t come for a fight?”
*asked to Warrior #1*
Warrior #1: “ay nagngem kanan da”
Translation: “Did you hear what they say”
Tri. Eld.: “yatna!, ajak mag-nge, ipig-pigsam kalim kad?
“Translation: “what! I cant hear, will you speak louder?”
Warrior #1: Kaman adi da met umali maki-ibaw! Ay sino iyat tako?!
Translation: It looks like they didn’t come for a fight! What should we do?!
Tri. Eld.: “ayagan yu adi, alan u tapey ed sissa da ta inumen u”
Translatio: “invite them, go get the tapey and drink with them”
*warriors were happy*
Tri. Eld.: “aykio, tako et adi!”
Translation: “Come, lets go”
*the warriors invited them*
* the soldiers sheated their swords and unloaded their guns*
Span. Gen: “Q-que están haciendo ahora?”
translation: “W-What are they doing now?”
Soldier #2: “Creo que nos están invitando a algo.”
Translation: “I think they are inviting us over something”
Sol. Lead.: “tal vez nos estan invitando a balaoa”
:”Nosotros deberiamos ir,Además necesitamos información sobre este lugar”
Además no estás cansado?
“esta tribu balaoa es muy hos hospitalaria.
Translation: “Maybe they are invinting us to Balaoa”
“We should go, besides we need information about this place”
Furthermore arent you tired?
“this Balaoa tribe are so hospitable”
*The spaniards followed the tribe to mageymey*
*they prepared meals and tapey for a feast*
[Afterwards, the Spaniards and the tribe had an anido under the a big oak tree. They had conversation and showed their culture]
★Ninth Panel
Moreover as the Spanish slowly takeover, civilization begun to change in the village, not just the houses language and clothing, but also the name of “Mageymey”, as a result for their miscommunication. The village is finally called “Balaoa”]
Group: Mageymey