A folklore of Balaoa’s mountains
Panel 1:Bal: Ay dindinngem nan istorya di bilig di Balaoa?(Have you heard of the folklore of Balaoa Mountains?)
Laoa: Wen, yaan nas grasya nan mangaywan si bilig.(Yes, the mountain spirit are said to bless those who respect the land.)
Panel 2:Bal: San pay sagrado ay talon?(What about the sacred waterfall?)
Laoa: San ayos di danum et makaagas,mangidawat si swerte.(Its waters hold healing powers, bringing luck to the bathers.)
Panel 3:Bal: Et san apapo tako ay adi kaila?(And the guardian spirit?)
Laoa: Padasen da nan puso di mangan-anap si sikreton di bilig.(They test the hearts of who seek the mountain’s secrets.)
Panel 4:Bal: Talaga ay mayat nan istorya di Balaoa(The legends of Balaoa are truly captivating.)
Laoa: Ipalpalagip na ay dayawen tako nan spirito ya ili ay baey tako.(They remind us to honor the spirits and the land we call home.)

Submitted to:
Sir Julius Jay Daskeo Jr.
Submitted by:
Nicole Untalan
Hello dear author, I don’t have much to say but can I suggest maaari po bang igawan yan ng kwento dahil wala pong makita na plot of the story.