Od kasin, wada nan baballasang ay man nagan hi Bangan,Sugaypan,ya hi Lungahban ay nagapu ud adawi ay mangin layad ay man ila hi maki to-o an da. (long time ago there are maiden who named Bangan,Sugaypan,and Lungayban that looking for their residence)
Bangan: Amoy tako kod man ila hi maki tuo-an tako?(Lets go and find residence for us)
Sugaypan: Hiya! Din ipugaw koma ut manginumnum da ay tun-od da datako.(Yes,but the person who contrive with us)
Nansagana da ngalod ot onggay nilugian da ay mandan. Idi wada da hin danan, naila da nan in-ina ay nan-a-agto hi lagba ay napno hi naani ay pagoy. Kinalkalin ngalud nan osa ay balasang nan in-ina.(They prepare and begin to travel.When they are in the path they seen a grandmother that carry “lagba” filled cereal grain.Lungayban talk with the Grandmother.)
Lungayban: Ay ina, into pay di omoyam nay onggay nalabi ta oganan mi ut adi han ina-agtom ay hana?(Grandmother,where are you going,it’s already night time.)
In-ina: Adi! Adawi nan dad-anok paylang ngom an anusak tay wada paylang hi lakay ko ay mansusu-od on hakon.(No, there is a plenty of daylight ,and I need to wait hour for my husband)
Sugaypan: May ngalod ta oganan mi nan agan mo hana ta amoy tako.(Okay we will carry the “lagba” that filled cereal grain so that we can go)
Bangan: Ay mabalin ay makidagas kami motlang od kad-an yo tay nay onggay ay nalabi?(Can we go together with your house because it’s already nighttime)
In-na: Hiya!(Yes)
Ot inunod da ngalod nan in-ina onggana dinmatong da ay nabba-nabbay hin booy da. Idi bomosboswang da paylang, nailan ot nan am-ama nan asawa na ay wada kadwa na ot naragsakan. Nan uto da garud si tugi ot hiya nan pang labi da. Idi onggay ay bongbongu, nanpakada ngalod nan baballasang ot nilugian da ay mandan.(They followed the grandmother until they reached where they rested.When they are thorough going,grandfather saw his wife that there are among the his wife and he feel excitement.They start to cook a sweet potatoes for their meal at night.)
Lungayban: Wada man nan nailak ay man as-asok, amoy tako kod ilan tan doy kaman ado han ipugaw ay natutugop?(There is smolder that I’ve seen let’s go and follow and interjoined the human being)
Bangan: Yan doy kaman wada di okasyon da ya?(I think there is a occasion)
Idi anggay ay sinmag-on da, nailan din kaipu-ipugaw daida ot sinmag-on nan osa ay lalaki on daida ot nan damag da. (When they overnear the human being welcomed them and one of them has named bugan and asked question)
Bugan: Pagat wada kayo od hina?(Why are you here.) Sugaypan: Nay kaman bumong-bongot na ay man kalkali mo? (There dialect is like they are angry)
Bangan: Nay kaman adi da laydon ay maki laglagsak on daida mo?(Daresay that they want to joined them)
Tan mamadngo nan kain hi bugan, kanan ot nan baballasang ay bumong-bongot sunga nan nomnom da ay kumaan hidi ay lugar. Intoltuloy da ay nannandan, naila da ot nan man gang-gangsa hin ay-ayod di dontog.When bugan speak she heard by the maiden’s .They presumptively that bugan is angry,so they out in that venue,They continued to travel,the other side playing “gangsa” in toward of the mountain.)

Lungayban: Amoy tako kod hidi ta padason tako ay maki piyesta?let’s go and try to join for their fiesta.)
Bangan: Nay onggay kayman ay alas dose yan? Ta pasig tako makikan?(It’s already noontime let’s try to join to their lunch.)
Nan dadaras da ngalod ay nan dan ot naila da nan amam-a ay nan tutugaw isnan dap-ay. Wada han nagagangatan ay man an-anido-an da. Ihan ay-ayod na abo, wada han man gang gangsa. Nalaydan da ay maki sala sunga inmoy da nakisalibi. Idi onggay ay sumiksiklop, nanomnom nan baballasang ay manpakada. (They went and they saw a grandfather that settled in the “dap-ay”.Their is a campires that “man-anido-an da”In the other side they heard a playing gongs.They find joy in dancing so they went and joined the women dancing “salibi”.In the sunset the maiden’s fairwell them)
Sugaypan: May tan nay onggay nalabi ot amoy kami abo.(It’s already nighttime so we need to go)
Panday: Nay onggay adi kaila ot han danan ya? Iyat yo pay ay mangila hinan danan yu?(The way is darker,can you the way?)
Bangan: Ulay ay lolo yan nay di salong.(Don’t worry Panday we have a “salong”)
Sugaypan: Dibali ot wada nan amoyan mi motlang hipay kami kasin umal-ali ay maki laglagsak un dakayo.(We always came back in the future and have some merry making with you.)
Nilugian da ay nan pat-og hi silaw da ay salong. Idi umad-adawi da, inunod nan tulo ay lalaki daida tan nalaydan da nan babalasang. Sinagong garud nan babalasang daida ot kanan da.(They started to lighten the “salong”.when they are in the far away,”panday” and “bugan” followed them.The three maidens face them and say.)
Lungayban: Adi kayo umun unod tay tukon kami!(Don’t follow us because we are stranger)
Ngom nasuwong da Panday,Gatan,ya hi Bugan ot inunod da latta daida. Idi binmongot nan babalasang, inalan nan osa un daida nan bakgot na ot insaplit na ihan bato ay nan tatakdogan da. Bigla ay namaid nan babalasang adoy da, ut gapu hi inmegyatan da, tinmagtag da ay nan tauli hin ili da.(But Panday,Gatan,and Bugan are naughty.When the maidens got angry,one of them got her “bakgot” and chuck in the stone in the place that they are standing.The three maiden are lost,and Panday,Gatan,and Bugan will run fast because they are afraid,and return to their place.)
Bugan: Nay adi ubpay ipugaw dadi ya, nay onggay kinmokobkob ak ot hidi mo.(Ohh,I think that the three maiden’s are not a human being,im horrify what happen earlier)
Gatan: Amoy tako ot adi ibaga hin amam-a ud ili. (Let’s go to tell to our grandfather in our place.)
Inmoy da garud ot inistorya da nan na-iyat.(They go tell a story to the grandfather)
Am-ama: Pagat yu ud un-unodon daida yan kaman mailak ud ay sabali nan panakilangen da on datako ud kaawni.(Why do you follow them,I’ve seen them earlier that they look socialize with us)
Idi sumalolong nan osa ay in-ina, naila na ot nan markan di bakgot hinan bato. Idi amey na istorya-on hinan amam-a yan inistorya da nan kinwani nan lalallaki.(When the grandmother went to field,she seen a marked of “bakgot” in the big rock.When she tell to the grandfather,the Gatan,Bugan,and Panday.)
In-ina: pagat motlang ay, idi amoyak hinan pan ub-ublaak ot, linmawa nan ob-ob hin sag-on na mo?(When i was in the field,the spring getting wider and wider neaner)
Idi napat-aana, inmoy da nan amam-a ot naila da ay linmawa kasin nan ob-ob.(In the morning,grandfather go and see the spring that getting wider and wider)
Awisan: Nay kaman hina dudan ubpay nan to-o an nan babalasang aydoy da ngom adi lang ammo ay tinmongaw dadi. (I think this place is homesite by the three myth.)
Ngos-itan: Ipalti-an tako ta adi da ot man tattauli hinan ili tako tan baka wada lawa ay amagon da. (Let us butcher some pigs and offer to the Anitos so that they will prevent those visitors from coming back because they might to do something bad)

Nal-os nan adu ay taw-on, nan ob-ob ot onggay lumaw-lawa. Adu ot nan inala na ay payaw ya om-a, adu pay nan ipugaw ay naun-unog. Ban-aw nan ngadan di ob-ob adoy ngom idi inggana ay linmawa, pinangadanan da ut ay Gawaan tay nan gagawa nan ob-ob ay man-ipabpabala hi danum na sunga adi mak-makgang. Maid di nagan di ili adoy sunga inpangadan da et ay Ban-aw, onggana nanbalin hi Banaao. (Years passed by,the spring slowly got wider and wider.It took over some of the rice fields around it.As it got deeper and deeper ,it even claimed some lives by drowning.The name of that spring was “Ban-aw” but when it beacame a lake,the people in that area named it “Gawaan” because the spring was in the middle of the lake making it the reason why the lake is never dried up.The place around the lake where the people live,has no name so they started calling it “Ban aw” until it became to be known as Banaao.)

Submitted to:
Sir Julius Jay Daskeo Jr.
Submitted by:
Elvin L.Vargas